Bubbling foam atop the waves
Breaking on the shore
Curling, forming short-lived caves
Dying with a roar

Ever dying, ever birthed,
Turbulence lives on
Chaos tumbles forward
As each dawn replaces dawn

Jumping from the fanfare
Foam is stolen by the breeze
Flying in the seashore air
Off ever-crashing seas

A droplet briefly lifted,
Hit by rays of dying sun,
Shines beautiful brief colours
Then the colours, too, are gone

But they linger unforgotten
As one stares into the dark
From chaos was begotten
A barrage of foaming sparks

From the origin of species
To perception of the world
One spots the same two theses
In the folds of nature curled

There is noise and brutal chaos
Everywhere one goes
Nature always will betray us
With its harsh entropic flows

But the fittest of her creatures
Can live on after they die
The sparks we recall most
Will be the sparks that flew most high

Nature records the best of things
And throws out all the worst
Its tragedies are beautiful,
Its acts are well-rehearsed

What lingers on is but the best
Of patterns from the past
The world is made of things
That, ever dying, seem to last

Our days are filled with failure
And they’re filled with great success
But we take a convex function
Of an ever-tumbling mess

Grab beauty as it hits you
Opportunity, when it opens
Tear them from the clutches
Of entropy’s greedy oceans

Sift apart the contents
Of the week about to break
See what makes you smile
Keep the best of what you make

The world presents an ocean
It swirls in violent swells
But from this great commotion
Comes the prettiest of shells

The twistiest of driftwood,
The finest grains of sand,
Small crabs and other creatures
Briefly gather on the land

When the sun is finished setting
And the evening settles in
One finds what one was missing
And can once again begin

The past is full of messes,
It’s full of crashing pain,
It lingers as a memory
Of what not to do again

But as nature cycles forward,
As waves crash to the shore,
One sees eternal constants,
And patterns more and more

There’s beauty in the world out there,
In moments from the past,
In fruit the future’s yet to bear,
This much I know will last